*The neem tree has long branches and is a wide-spreading and dense tree. The trunk is short and straight, and so the accessibility of the bark has allowed Asian cultures to commonly use this plant to promote skin, liver, digestive health. The bark can be used by directly harvesting it from the tree, and it can be grounded into a fine powder. In India, the neem twigs are still used as a toothbrush. Neem is also used in shampoo and body wash preparation.
*Benefits include soothing the skin, improving skin texture, supports digestive health, boosts the immune system, helps in wound care, supports the dental, liver, and respiratory health.
Suggested Use: 1/8 to 1/4 teaspoon in powder form, once or twice daily, or use as directed by your health practitioner.
Botanical Name – Azadirachta indica
Family – Meliaceae
English Name – Margosa tree
Morphology –
Neem is an evergreen tree and is the fastest-growing tree that reaches up to 15 -20 mt and old trees may reach up to 30-40 mts. Branches are long, wide and spreading and have a dense roundish crown. The trunk of the tree is short and straight about 1 – 2mt in diameter. Simple and opposite leaves are about 3 – 8 cm long; young leaves of the plant are reddish to purple in color and mature leaves are dark green in color. Flowers are small, white colored and fragrant. Olive like drupe fruit is oval to round in shape, smooth and immature fruits are green in color. After the ripening color of fruit changes to yellow with pulp and seed inside.
Physical and chemical properties of Neem bark –
Taste – Bitter; Astringent
Quality – Light to digest; Dry
Potency – Cold
Post Digestive effect – Pungent
Bhavaprakasha Haritakyadi Varga
निम्बः शीतो लघुर्ग्राही कटुपाकोऽग्निवातनुत् |
अहृद्यः श्रमतृड्कासज्वरारुचिकृमिप्रणुत् ||८२||
व्रणपित्तकफच्छर्दिकुष्ठहृल्लासमेहनुत् |
Neem leaves -
निम्बपत्रं स्मृतं नेत्र्यं कृमिपित्तविषप्रणुत् ||८३||
वातलं कटुपाकञ्च सर्वारोचककुष्ठनुत् |
Neem fruits -
निम्बफलं रसे तिक्तं पाके तु कटुभेदनम् |
स्निग्धं लघूष्णं कुष्ठघ्नं गुल्मार्शःकृमिमेहनुत् ||८४||
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