*Lodhra is translated to that which helps to make the body firm. Lodhra removes the excess fluids from the skin when applied externally and consumed orally. It contains high levels of antioxidants, and so many skincare products include Lodhra because it can nourish the skin address wrinkles and acne. The bark of the Lodhra tree is especially beneficial for uterine issues, controlling bleeding and digestive problems.
*Benefits include removing inflammation from the female reproductive system, relaxing the uterine tissues, detoxify the blood, improves gut health, support teeth/gum health, and used in wound healing.
Suggested Use: 1/2 to 1 teaspoon in powder form, once or twice daily, or use as directed by your health practitioner.
Botanical Name – Symplocos racemosa
Family – Symplocaceae
English Name – Lodh tree
Morphology –
It is an evergreen medium-sized tree. Leaves are 3 to 4 inches in length, circular or oval-shaped, leaf stalk is small and it is velvety to touch. Its Flowers are cream-colored, small in size and are mostly found in clusters. The fruits of Lodhra are Purple blackish in color and are about 1.5 inches long, leathery, and contains 1 to 3 seeds. The bark is light brown in color.
Physical and chemical properties of Lodhra –
Taste – Astringent; Bitter
Quality – Light; Dry
Potency – Cold
Post Digestive effect – Pungent
Bhavaprakasha – Haritakyadi Varga
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